80 Round Regional Match


Shooters interested in competing in monthly or quarterly  80-Shot Regional Across-the-Course" (XTC) matches are INVITED TO CONTACT HP DIVISION DIRECTOR DOUG FRERICHS at dcfrerichs@gmail.com, 480-532-3310.  If clear interest can be obtained from a dozen or more shooters, the Division will seek RSSC range-use approval for re-establishing across-the-course (XTC) matches in 2024. The HP Division's long history of running monthly XTC matches was suspended for 2023 for reasons of low  match turnout, limiting us to our April 22, 2023  "Annual Legacy Match' to benefit the Arizona Scorpions Junior HP Team and a CMP-sanctioned 80-shot Trophy Match slated for Dec. 30, 2023."

Shooters compete in Service Rifle or Match Rifle categories. Check out High Power Rifle Competition for a complete look at the rules. The 80 round course of fire is at 200 and 500 yards with a reduced distance target for rapid prone. There are two sighters at each stage. Shooters provide their own equipment and ammo (88 rounds minimum). All competitors pull targets unless they bring a separate puller.  Limited to 45 competitors.

Match cost: $20.00.

2024 - Sat Dec 29 (CMP Trophy Match).

Match time: 7:30 AM Summer, 8:00 AM Winter.

Match Director: Doug Frerichs

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Updated 12-26-2388..................................................................................mdg